Heroes Are People Who Overcome Antagonism in a Mature Way, as in "Twisted" by Laurie Halse Anderson

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A person who overcomes antagonistic and unnecessary issues in a mature and powering manor. That is the definition of a hero to me. Someone who is being hurt and sees others hurt from the actions and takes charge and does everything in his power to change it. Someone who puts others before themselves and acts in the most chivalrous way. The definition of a hero is different for everyone. Some one might think of a hero as someone who can lift a car and put it on their back, or gives a dying person their kidney. Yes all of those people are forms of hero’s. You can’t tell someone that they are not a hero just because they don’t change into a disguise in a telephone both or can throw lightning bolts from a cloud. Everyone is a hero in their own way.

In the book Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson, Tyler Miller is about to be a senior in high school. He has been doing community service all summer for the mistake he committed by spray painting his school walls. He has to go home to a sister, Hannah, who is going to be a freshman, a mother who is a pet photographer, and a father who is trying to make it up in his business world and has mentally abused everyone in the house for years. Tyler only has one friend, Yoda, and he is in love with Hannah. One day, a week before the first day of school, they all go to Tyler’s dad’s boss’s house for a cook out. The daughter of Tyler’s dad’s boss is Bethany Milburry, the most popular girl school. Tyler has been in love with her since 3rd grade. An accident happens and glasses are dropped on the ground and Bethany gets cuts all over both of her feet. Tyler’s dads automatically blame Tyler, along with Bethany’s brother Chip. The next day he feels bad he goes over to her house to apologize and they end...

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...ter that day the police came by and said they caught the guy who took the pictures of Bethany.

In this book, Tyler is a huge hero in my eyes. He finally stood up to his dad for him, his mom, and his sister. He put himself aside and told him to treat everyone better. That they did not deserve to be treated the way he treated them. The way Tyler stood up for him was amazing and mature. You think that he didn’t have to smash things up but that is the only way he could get threw to his dad. Tyler’s dad did not care about anyone else but himself and how everyone made him look to the public. So sitting him down at the table and having a “family meeting” would not have worked. I just wish I could have been like Tyler to my dad when I need to be strong like him. Tyler is an inspiration to anyone who reads this book and who is going threw something similar like Tyler did.

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