What I Learned: Course Analysis

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Through out the course of the past 5 days I learned a lot. I learned that the internet is not a place only meant to read about horrible news stories or read hate comments on social media or even maybe admire all the people you wish to be. I learned that it is a place where, if you dig deep enough, you can find a caring and helpful community. You can find a place where you can become what you want. I learned that when life doesn't go your way take actions so it does go your way. I learned that even when things seem useless or helpless, they aren't, because their is always a path. I learned to not sit around and wait for life to go by, but to take actions so I can live a life that I want to. I have finally started these actions.

I am extremely fortunate to discover wealthy affiliate at only age 14 and am even more fortunate to take action and start completing the course. I have tried and struggled with many side businesses all of which have not had the outcome that I desired. Along that journey, a journey of nearly 2 years, I did learn a good deal, but I was still lost. I still did not have the goals I set accomplished. I truly believe that wealthy affiliate will help me accomplish these goals as it has already helped me accomplish 2 of …show more content…

I know from my 2 years of online entrepreneurship that the road is bumpy, but I also know that I never had a community to help me out when that road got bumpy. It seems to me this is the plan that will work. This is what will work. I am young and still have room for error, but most of all I still have a lot to learn. What I learn in the future is what I DECIDE TO LEARN. I need to only let positive thoughts evolve and grow in my mind and never let the mentality that nothing works ever enter my mind or influence me, because their is always something that will work. Their is always the answer ahead just keep learning and

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