The Importance Of Bad Decisions In My Life

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I have been through so many things in my life and I have made many bad decisions. The best thing with making wrong decisions are learning from them. One of the worst decisions in my life was dropping out of college when I was younger. One day I’m hoping to show people no matter how old your are or what your have been through, you can still go back to school and help people but it first starts with yourself. Deciding to go back to school was hard, but I wanted to make a difference in someone’s life. When I was in high school there was a mess up and I was not about to graduate. I found out at the end of my senior year that I was one class short of graduating. My junior year, I went to another school, then the beginning of my senior year I went back to the original school I grew up at. Come to find out, the other school …show more content…

I woke up one day and the top part of my left arm was purple and the bottom part of it had red blotches all over it. I was already seeing a specialist for my arm. So I had called the doctor and he said he wanted to see me that day. When I went in he said “I wasn’t getting any circulation to the bottom part of my arm and my hand and that I needed surgery right away or I was going to lose my arm.” I went in on a Tuesday he had me in for surgery that Friday. The same day I went to the doctor to be released back to work. I had received a letter telling me that I was fired. I called the human resource department and the gentleman I spoke with told me that he didn’t know why I got fired, and that he hadn’t had a chance to go over everything. The following week I called back up and got the same response from him. This happened in September of 2013 and I had just recently found out why I was fired. I was told that I was fired because I had taken a bit out of something before I paid for it. They had me on camera paying for it, but just because I had taken a bit out of it first, they let me

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