What Happened To Cady's Journey?

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Life can change in a split second by making one decision, that’s what happened to Cady and the Lairs, Mirren, Johnny, and Gat. It was summer on beechwood island and in the dark of night Cady is found washed up on the beach half naked with no memory of how she got there, what happened and even what had happened that whole summer. After that nothing was the same, the whole family started acting different, the aunts, grandad, even the children. Now Cady has to try to piece together what happened that summer. In the beginning Cady is found on the beach half naked with no recollection of the events that occured. She is rushed to the hospital with a severe head injury, this is what causes her to forget what had happened. “ I remember only this: I plunged down into this ocean, down to rocky, rocky, bottom” (Lockhart 32). Cady tries to remember while she recovered but this leads to very severe migraines. She is later diagnosed with PTSD from the accident. Weeks go by and Cady still feels pounding in her head and a nagging feeling that something just isn’t right. …show more content…

“Eventually they decide I will go to Beechwood 4 weeks of the summer, then visit dad…” (Lockhart 55). But Cady just wanted to see the liars and try to remember. When Cady did return to Beechwood she starts to piece together small fragments of what happened but this only reveals more secrets. She remembers waking up on the beach and seeing her grandad’s face lit up by the light of a fire. Now that Cady has a small idea of what happened the stress and weight starts to set

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