When We Talk About Love Raymond Carver Analysis

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Love will try to kill. Love will beat, insult, and drag around a person and at the same time love that person (330). Abusive is how the character Terri describes love in Raymond Carver’s short story, “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love.” Carver’s story consists of four friends named Mel, Terri, Nick, and Laura sitting around a table struggling to define love. Although the friends can each give an example of love or can say what actions equate to love, they are unable to give a true definition of love. In, “What We Talk about When We Talk about Love,” Carver uses the characters’ struggles to present the overall message that love cannot be defined with words.
Carver’s depiction of the character Mel McGinnis says that trying to define …show more content…

In the middle of his story he starts talking about where they should go to eat and about how he would like to come back as a knight (335). Through Mel’s inability to stay on topic Carver shows that a human mind is too simple to expound on love. Mel finally finishes his story of the couple in the wreck saying that the man and his wife will live, but the man was depressed because he, “couldn’t see her [his wife] through his eye holes” (337). Mel’s story is heartwarming with no definite point. When Mel finishes his story about the old couple his friends just stare at him (337). His friends do not know what he means by his story.
In, “What We Talk About When We Talk about Love,” Terri is able to tell her friends what actions are love. In fact, she seems the most sure of what love is. Terri believes that Ed loved her by beating her, threatening to kill her, and killing himself because of his love for her (333). The fact that he died for his love for her further proved to Terri that he did love her (333). Even though Terri is so sure of Ed’s violence being his way of showing his love for her, she never gives a true definition of love. Terri just gives an example of what qualifies as love to

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