What Does Success Mean To Me

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Personally, success is a word that has no contextual meaning, but has a personal meaning which depends on the interests, values, and principles of each individual. Our vision of success will always differ, according to your way of seeing life you can consider what a successful life means. I was able to define success on my walks of unpaved streets of a third world country, in the middle of abuses and violations of my parents, on a hospital bed, on the tireless days of hard work in order to pay for my high school, and on the sleepless nights of college homework. Everyone wants to be successful in many areas of life: family, work, wealth, social, professional etc. These are all stereotypical aspirations of a person in order to live their dream life. My dream encompases more than these …show more content…

Throughout my life I have been dealing with many conflicts. These conflicts have positively impacted my life and benefitted me. Initially, I did not have the means to go far. However, in facing the struggles that I was presented with in life, I was able to make decisions that opened many doors, inspired dreams for my future, and has allowed me to achieve financial independence and prosperity. In my life success means being able to overcome the obstacles that life puts in our way in order to accomplish own individual goals and dreams that we desired to aim.

I believe that everything is within reach, however is up to us to actually reach it. To succeed I will have the courage to face the unknown and reach goals, that will be based on hard work. With proper planning and by putting all efforts and dedication towards my professional and individual goals, as I have done

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