Success: My Personal Definition Of Success

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Success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. Success can be measured in many different ways. Some people may measure success by being financially stable, obtaining knowledge, getting a college degree, or having a high paying job. While those are all important goals leading to comfortable life, I would consider my personal description of success to be unlike many others. I value the relationships in my life above anything else. I direct my motivation towards my relationship with God, my spouse, family, and my friends. The people in my life are most important to me, because of the deep and intimate relationships I have with them. My goals in life revolve around the people in it, instead of material things or myself. I had the privilege of growing up in a financially successful family, which had always been very influential on my goals and ambitions. My father owns a grocery store, and I began working for him when I was twelve years old. Working young taught me the value of money, saving, and being responsible. 1 Timothy 6:10 states; “For the love of money is the root of all evil”. This quote from the Holy Bible is describing the effects of greed. Over time, I began to realize, money can easily become a consuming motivation for life, although it is not negative entirely. My goals in life are to have the ability to treat others with …show more content…

Everybody makes mistakes, and in marriage you will let your spouse down in one way or another. To forgive is not to forget, and that is why one must be compassionate and have grace on their partner. My spouse and I must love each other unconditionally: through the good and the bad, no matter what. Without unconditional love marriage is pointless. My marriage will require grace and forgiveness from my wife, because I will make many mistakes. My hope for my marriage is to create a family who supports each other with love, communication, forgiveness, and

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