What Does Hula Mean To Me

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Ever since I was a child, hula was always something that interested me and I love doing. For my family, it was a hobby that everyone did or tried at least once or twice before. As time goes on i've noticed hula isnt for everyone. It is a thing that expresses sensory through lyrics with movements. It was my freshmen year in high school that gave me the opportunity to show my love for hula. The excitement I felt as I looked at my class schedule and saw Hawaiian Dance class. Hawaiian dance connected me to Mayday. I got blessed to say that was sister was the island of Oahu my freshman year and my cousin the island of Maui my sophomore year. Junior year approached and I had discretion of how hula and Mayday impacted my life. The seriousness of …show more content…

The stress level for everyone was getting higher and higher as we approached the actual day. A unexpected surprise came along. Kumu asked me to represent the island of Molokai. First thing I did was to be gregarious with my fellow island sisters and brothers which were all seniors. Honestly so much emotions were running through my body due to being the only Junior, not knowing my dances and barley knowing the people im dancing with but the worst of all is that it was a little last minute. I was always the type that need to know everything and what im doing and where. But then I thought hey, things will work it self and it will be an experience, weather good or bad. The day has come and it was my time to shine. There were times where I could of walked out and gave up. Times where I would mess up and stop, but hula was one of the things ive loved so I sucked it up. At that moment I stood there and thought that along side my wonderful escort. The music has begun, I walked out and there was the whole school, my family and everyone who just supported me really. Kumus drum went in a certain beat. Dancers behind me moved their hips and chanted. Island girl was on the floor moving with the rythem. The gracefulness of Auana brought me to tears as I was looking at the queen and how she used her hands and how she

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