An Analysis Of Ilia Roman's First Work By Iliana Roman

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Iliana Roman was a self-made woman. She wrote the essay “First Job”. She was a young single mother when she started working. She tells us how she valued hard work, of how she used work experience as a way of education. She then went to cosmetology school to learn fashion. Afterwards she used past experiences -from both work and school- to open her own hair salon. She now is planning on going back to school for real-estate, and she sees herself as a role model to her sons and the young girls living around her. Life is about not being lazy, but that is not good enough, you have to go out and be proactive. You have to go out, work hard, and make things happen to make a living. Now a day’s people want to be told how to do everything, and I don’t like that. There is a story about a man in the civil war who was told to deliver a message. He responded with “Okay”, and he did it. Now people would ask where to find this person, or where to go. You might be thinking “what’s the point to this story?” but it directly relates to the passage. Iliana didn’t ask how to do things, but she learned how to do them all on her own. Showing her determination and will. …show more content…

My family has a saying that we all use religiously “FITFO” it stands for Figure it the F*** Out. You don’t, or at least shouldn’t, have to be told how to do everything. Be responsible for your own skills and abilities. It’s like they say about learning a language, “you learn it best by submission”. You pick up all the slang and different accents by hearing the language spoken, not in the classroom. Same in many aspects of life. You may learn generalizations about some things from being taught, but the best wat to really learn all of the small things and specific details is by going out and doing

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