What Are The Positive And Negative Effects Of The Mesoamerica

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1. The Native American societies that grew in Mesoamerica/ South America and northern Mexico/ North America contain similarities and differences. Some of the similarities between these societies were the ways they raised and harvested their crops. These ways helped in trading with other origins and to spread agriculture. Mesoamerica was a clustered area and later these societies became known as chiefdoms. Where as in the North American societies, they were smaller, and “un- evenly distributed”. Another similarity that the Native American societies shared was that the Mesoamericans had to live within the certain strict limits of kinship, and North America shared the same qualities of these strict marriages.

Chapter 2: The rise of the Atlantic …show more content…

The Columbian Exchange led positive and negative impacts on Africa, the New World, and the Old World. The positive side of the Columbian Exchange would be that it led to a wider variety of agriculture and livestock that was traded between the Old World and the New World. Some of the New World items traded would be avocado, chocolate, turkey, tobacco, etc. and some of the Old World items consisted of lettuce, peaches, coffee, wheat, bananas and other fruits. These types of goods weren’t the only things traded. As bad as it sounds, animals and even people were also traded. Additionally, ideas in technology were traded to make travel easier and made new items such as sails and compasses to work better with cross winds and gain more knowledge for the travels. Africa gained more and more manufactured goods from Europe which was the positive, but it was in exchange for slaves in the New World, which was the negative. This soon became known as the Triangular Trade. Following with the idea of the negatives, the Columbian exchange was also an exchange of diseases. The population suffered in the New World and lost about fifty to ninety …show more content…

A religious revolution called the Reformation happened in the Western church in the sixteenth century. Martin Luther and John Calvin were its leaders. The Reformation was the source for establishing Protestantism, which is one of the three major branches of Christianity. The Reformation started to become more political than religious. Martin Luther, Henry VII, and John Calvin were some of the reformers. These people decided to challenge the Catholic Church and the way it could explain the Christian religion. The arguments over the power that was distributed to the Bible and its readings lead to wars, and later, the Counter- Reformation. The Counter- Reformation was created when the Church was a little slow to respond to the reformers such as Luther. The council of Trent then met to discuss some of the problems that the Reformation caused and Luther’s ideas along with the other reformers. The era of the Catholic Church that was with the Counter- Reformation grew to be more educated and spiritual. The effects of these two Reformations came with lasting political changes. The freedoms that were given religiously and politically lead to many rebellions and persecutions in

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