Western Civilization Research Paper

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Development of Modern Western Civilization The development of the modern civilization began with the Greeks, then moved to the Romans, followed by the Byzantine Empire and through the Middle Ages. The ideas began with the Greeks and as these ideas spread to other civilizations following, and they began to advance them, or add to what the Greeks began with. Many values and other ideas that modern civilization uses today came from these civilizations. The modern western civilization development is the result of the initiation of ideas on democracy and education from the Greeks, leading to the Romans, where they expanded on the political, religious and economical ideas from the Greeks, thus leaving fundamental principles needed for modern society …show more content…

The Ancient Greeks believed that all people should participate equally in government, as used today in the Democratic-Republic used in the United States. As well as enforcing that the law should protect all people equally, leading to now making sure there are plenty of personnel to protect all persons.The ancient Greeks valued all aspects of education, and used reason in order to support themselves. By only focusing on logical information life could not be enhanced to their expectation. In schools today not only do we teach math, science, and reading, but also make sure to require everyone to take art or musical classes. Thus making it more enjoyable to learn what is needed to become a well educated man. The middle class was in the Greek Civilization and is where most people fit in modern civilization. Economically they depended on not only agriculture, but on imported goods as well. There is a fair amount of farmland to use today for economical purposes as well as many countries that trading is necessary in order to keep the country flowing. The way people think of religion nowadays widely differs from how the Greeks thought it was supposed to be. They, however gave us the fundamental basis on how religion works. The greeks started many of the ideas in numerous fields that are used in Modern civilization, setting a basis on how society

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