Watchman Heroism

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“There are so many ways to be brave in this world. Sometimes bravery involves laying down your life for something bigger than yourself, or for someone else. Sometimes it involves giving up everything you have ever known, or everyone you have ever loved, for the sake of something greater.” This quote by Veronica Roth implies that one must make sacrifices when it c. It has been seen throughout history that the strategies that have brought the most positive change have been accomplished through sacrifices. The termination of slavery in the United States required a civil war, Martin Luther King sacrificed his life and put the life of his family at risk for blacks to obtain equal rights, God sent his only son to die for the salvation of all. As …show more content…

The writers introduce this whole concept of the vigilantees. Through the vigilantees the authors challenge the idea of heroism, what is justified and what is not. Rorschach being an example of this concept, has a view of the world which only allows him to see it in black and white. To see the evil and the good but nothing in between, there is no gray in his world. “Understood man's capacity for horror and never quit. Saw the worlds black underbelly and never surrendered. Once a man has seen, he can never turn his back on it. Never pretend it doesn't exist.” (Watchmen chapter VI, pg. 15) Rorschach is guided by his desire to stop injustice, showing no mercy for those who perform evil. Although having a vigilante with who is so intensely driven by anger could result dangerous, it is better than not having any type of security around at all times. The case of the 37 who saw murder and didn't call the police that appeared in the NY Times during the 1964, proves that vigilantees are necessary for the safety of the people. This case presents a women being killed while people witnessed it and did not do anything to help her. A policemen stated that “If we had been called when he (the murderer) first attacked, the women might have not been dead now.” (NY Times 3/27/1964) Witnesses could have saved the life of an innocent if they had chosen to do so, but they chose not to. This demonstrates that although vigilantees may get out of hand sometimes, when they do it they do it promote safety . If a vigilante would have been present during the murder of the women, she would have probably still be

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