Similarities Between Beowulf And Martin Luther King

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Heroic qualities are traits that every epic hero should have. The heroic qualities that Beowulf and Martin Luther King shared are the want to achieve something better for themselves and others. These epic heroes have lived life boldly and have died in honor of their quest to achieve greatness. Both made the sacrifice and the fight to help or fight to protect their way of life but in the end made the sacrifice of their life. Martin Luther King relates to Beowulf for the bravery of fighting racial discrimination, the intelligence behind every march they did to draw the attention, the will to die to achieve the goals he worked for. Bravery is a heroic quality that everyone has and when put into action it can become deadly or even unstoppable. Martin Luther King pushed through the racism as if he had no fear of the consequences. Martin Luther King stood tall as Beowulf did when fighting Grendel for the Danes; people not his family but for those in need. They both fought having no fear of their death but the greatness they would achieve in the end. Beowulf and Martin Luther King were both men who fought for the people and not themselves. Martin Luther King was pushed to the edge when being jailed for protest, But through all he prevailed and overcame. Bravery …show more content…

Martin Luther King’s bravery to fight for his people no matter the cost or consequence is a huge impact on the movement. The intelligence behind every march that Martin Luther King had planned was a way to advocate black rights and to have the movement made national. The most important though out of everything Martin Luther King was willing to give his everything to be sure his people got what they deserved he would die for their cause if needed. So in comparison Beowulf and Martin Luther King both pushed their own minds and physical abilities to assist those that needed and died for their cause so their people could live another day without fear or

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