Walmart Ethical Issues

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Wal-Mart is facing critical issues all around. They are being sued, their reputation is going down the drain, their customers is turning on them, and they have several ethical issues involving their stakeholder. They stakeholder is getting them for discrimination on female employees, disabled employees, and others. In almost all of these cases Wal-Mart was sued because of things that they did and they should not of did. You can not favor your male employees better than your female employees. In June 2004, the court granted a class-action lawsuit and involves 1.6 million current and former female employees against promotion, pay, training, and job assignment. If company is not successful in heir annual report, the resulting liability could be material to the company. You just can not hire a person because of their disability cause we all have some type of problem going on with us. In January 2000, Wal-Mart agreed to pay two deaf applicants $132,500, cause they was denied employment because of their disabilities. Failure to monitor labor conditions at overseas factories. In December 2005, Wal-Mart was ordered to pay $172 million to more than one hundred thousand California employees in a class-action lawsuit cause they was denied meal breaks. Things like this and other stuff is what got Wal-Mart in the trouble. …show more content…

With so many things happening to them and not finding away out of them when it happens has corrupted their reputation. It is making people think before doing now with Wal-Mart. They have had to revise their Global Statement of Ethics to communicate their ethical standards to all facilities and stakeholders. This is a way with making the right decision and doing the right thing. They have started new programs mainly to be able to satisfy their customers and provide a friendly like place. Wal-Mart has accepted the challenge of improving stakeholder

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