Waking-Up For School

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As young scholars, waking up too early for school in the morning can lead to poor performance in school, sleep deprivation, and anxiety. Waking up too early in the morning is very dangerous and can actually lead to suicidal thoughts and attempts in a worst case scenario. Imagine being sad, stressed over the littlest things. Many people are living with this disordered experience and some other mental illness as well. This is known as depression. Depression has a high rate of co-occurrence with both anxiety (up to 60%) and substance use disorders. 25 million Americans suffer from depression each year. Over 50 percent of all people who die by suicide suffer from major depression. Depression is one of the main causes of suicide or suicidal thoughts and one of the things that triggers depression is not getting enough sleep. However, schools still start too early knowing these devastating, both mental and physical risks exist. Many also have been late for school and failed because of this. Therefore, as young scholars, waking up too early for school in the morning can lead to poor performance in school, sleep deprivation, and anxiety. …show more content…

Small decreases in the total amount of sleep, even by just an hour less per night, can cause negative cognitive performance. One study found that children who were making Cs, Ds, and Fs in classes were sleeping 25 to 30 minutes less on average than their peers who were making better grades. Another study tried to better understand how much sleep was needed for optimal performance on different tasks in different age groups. For example, the study found that 12-year-olds needed at least 8 hours and 20 minutes of sleep to optimally perform letter-word and comprehension tasks, and 8 hours and 25 minutes of sleep for broad reading tasks”

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