Vouchers Should Not Be Allowed In Schools Essay

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Should the Government Issue Vouchers for Private Schools? There is an ever-growing issue in the academic community that continues to grow; and this problem being? Vouchers for private schooling. There are generally two sides to this heated debate, people who think that the government should give vouchers for private school tuition, and those who lean towards no vouchers being given for private school tuition. Those wanting government vouchers commonly will say that no student should be denied the opportunity to learn, while those on the other side say that vouchers do not pay for the whole ride and that it may impede Separation of Church and State. With both of these sides stated, there is one point to be made, the government should not give vouchers for private schooling. Government issued vouchers fall under one issue when brought to light; they do not pay for the whole cost of tuition. What is …show more content…

This may seem to be pretty logical, but if you were to think about it, this would just mean that you are funneling money that the people pay tax for to religious establishments and a failed structure. If the people's tax money is to be put towards education, that may be good, but not in the form of vouchers for private schooling. The whole situation at hand almost makes a loophole situation. This just proves to why private vouchers would be a bad idea, it takes money from taxpayers and puts it towards an unconstitutional cause. With all of this evidence brought against government issued vouchers, there is always another opposing side. Some may argue to all of this that if the government does not give vouchers for private schooling, that poorer students will suffer. This may seem like a valid claim, however, there are flaws to this. Vouchers are not a be-all-end-all solution. When the time comes down to it, there will be more expenses to school, meaning that vouchers will only help a little bit in the

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