Why Private Schools Should Be Abolished

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Abolishing Private fund Education
Separation in schooling first accord in 1852 when the first private school was established. In today’s school system attending a private school is statistically more beneficial than attending a public school. In some states, a private school can receive some state funding. However, for the sole purpose of this argument, I will refer to private schools as schools that get their funding from sources outside of the government and will determine public schools as schools that receive funding solely from the government. Private schools should be abolished because they do not allow equal opportunities for students and the education provided is not equal.
Private schools should be abolished because education should allow for equal opportunities for all students. Education is supposed to provide better chances of success for the student. Students that attend a state funded school faces a disadvantage as soon as they graduate from secondary school and apply for college.{ talk about private school to college ration} There have been reports about college being biased in the selection process when choosing between state funded and privately funded school applicants. Many educators would agree that a privately funded education is typically more beneficial than a state funded education. “It seems silly to propose scrapping a system of education that provides positive results and successful results.” (CITE DEBATEWISE.ORG) The system should not be scrapped but instead needs to be inputted into the public school system. It should be put into the public school sector because it is not fair for a wealthier individual to able to obtain a better education just becaus...

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...mpared to privately funded school sizes. According to (NCES) the average school size for a central city, state-funded school is 1,083 compared to 398 in privately funded school. That means teachers will have an even harder time giving a state-funded the same one on one time when compared to the privately funded school. Since the education is not equal to private schools should be abolished.
Education should be equal because everyone deserves to be educated no matter of financial background. Schooling provides a lot of benefits for students and the separation elevates one student over another. Education is often viewed as the key to success and since everyone is not given the same tools to succeed something needs to be improved. Public school should be abolished because they do not allow equal opportunities for students and the education provided is not equal.

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