Violence In Pixars

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Problem is that cartoons rarely show the long-term effects of violence and most cartoons portray violence in a humorous way. This fact has dangerous impact on child’s comprehension of reality. Especially problem appears when children do not have parents’ supervision. Today when the average quality time parents spend with own kids is about fifteen minutes only, children are left to themselves to decide what is right and what is wrong. Some researchers, however, say that violence in cartoons does not effects children and that children need this world of fantasy in their lives. Gerard Jones in his book Killing Monsters says that “children need to feel powerful. They need to feel strong in the face of scary, uncontrollable world. Super-heroes, video game warriors and movie gunmen are symbols of power and strength. By pretending to be them, young people are being powerful.” (Jones. Gerard. 2002. Killing Monsters: Why Children need Fantasy, Super-heroes and Make Believe Violence. Basic Press. pp.11) But researchers who advocate …show more content…

Hundreds of millions of people have watched Pixar’s films and many of those watchers are children who are forming their understanding of the world. The way in which one entire generation observes life and reality is being shaped, in part, by Pixar. We love their films, they are important parts of our lives and our culture. Pixar has artfully built a universe of beloved creatures and beings that populate our inner magnificent world. Major characteristic of Pixar films is that humanity does not have a monopoly on personhood. In whichever form intelligence takes, it will need brave souls to defend what is right. By watching our favorite films, we have been thought that being human is not the same as being a person. We have learnt that new persons and forms of personhood can come from anything. Through Pixar we have opened ourselves to a better

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