Unit 2 Equality Diversity And Rights In Health And Social Care

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Reflection Unit 2 Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care Assignment A: Concepts and discriminatory and anti- discriminatory practise Name: saba mahmood P1 Explain the concepts of equality, diversity and rights I believe equality means every individual should be treated and given the same attention no matter who they are. No individual should be discriminated due to their disability. The equality act came into effect in October 2010. This is a law which protects people from being treated differently because of their disability. Equality in health care is ensuring everyone has an access to medical care despite who they are. Equality is about creating a fairer society where everyone regardless of who they are has a chance to fulfil their potential. By getting rid of prejudice and discrimination, the NHS can now distribute services that are personal, fair and diverse society which is healthier and happier. In my opinion I believe Diversity means every individual should be treated and spoken to with respect they should not get discriminated due to their race or culture; everyone should be accepted regardless of who they are. This also means everyone should get the same medical care no individual should be treated differently because of their race …show more content…

She felt worthless and depressed, by feeling this way this could impact her recovery especially because she is an old lady. As we may know this could have also left Client B feeling marginalised. marginalised is treating people differently because of who they are. Client A who is the nurse has been treating two individuals differently, she has not given both the patients the same level of treatment which may jeopardise Client B's health and well-being, and this is known as covert abuse of power. Client A has used prejudice against Client B, the nurse thought negatively about Client B, this could affect Client B's self-esteem and

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