Diversity, Empowerment And Social Justice: Community Analysis

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Diversity, Empowerment, and Social Justice are very important not just in the Social Work field, but also in the communities, schools, workplace, family, friends, and conversations. Before I was a Social Work major, I didn’t think Diversity, Empowerment, and Social Justice partakes a big lead in people lives. They make a huge impact on others not only by the things we say but also by the actions we show. Diversity Diversity is understanding each individual unique differences. This can be their race, sexual orientation, hair color, hair texture and/or skin color. Although there are more that can be listed, I chose to only list these few. I must say, I’ve encountered the most experience of diversity throughout the classroom setting. I’ve experienced …show more content…

I don’t think I had the chance to fully experience being empowered, but I did have the chance to embrace someone and empower them. I’m currently involved in the ministry called Mission Possible. I must say I am in love with this ministry. Although this ministry is specifically instructed to love and spread the word of Christ with the inmates, I tend to put my own little twist to it. I practice Social Work in the prison setting because this is where I desire to work someday. During my experiences at the prison, one of the ladies confided in me how she can’t possibly find it in her heart to forgive herself for turning to drugs in the midst of hard times. I was there to support her every week. I empowered her to tell me the things that will make her happy and the things that will help her forgive herself. Four weeks have passed and she tells me “Terriana, I’ve learned to realize that mistakes happen and that it’s only a mistake if I allow it to be. I choose happiness, I choose peace, I choose strength. I know that jail is temporary for me and it’s a rehab to save my life. I forgive myself for putting myself in this situation. I will learn to trust myself.” I asked her, how did you forgive yourself? She simply said, God led it in her heart through prayer. She thanked me for all the encouragement. Instead of me telling her she need to pray and confess with her mouth the things she’s done, asking God to forgive her, asking God to help her to …show more content…

It doesn’t have to always be wealth associated. Social Justice can simply mean helping the teen moms at a local high school gain commitment to their bodies, purity, and celibacy. Chicago is an outreach environment especially for the homeless. Every year or every other year, I make it my priority to provide a care package for the homeless individuals that are homeless in the downtown area of Chicago. Those care packages includes kleenox, bandaids, a pair of socks, deodorant, mouth wash, food, and if possible a coat or a blanket. I usually go the weekend before Thanksgiving or the weekend before Christmas. I also include little encouraging letters in there, bible verses, food pantry information and shelter information. The first year doing this I was nervous, but when I saw the smiles on their faces, I was encouraged and continued to do

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