Uk National Health System Essay

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The UK National Health System has evolved tremendously and have become one of the largest systems in the world. According to Boyle (2008), NHS was first proposed in parliament in 1942 in the legacy of Aneurin Bevan. It was founded on the principle of universality, equity and free point of care that was funded by the central government. However, over the decades, the system has not been working very well. For instance, some people go to the hospital or get hospitalized unnecessarily for too long. In some cases, important part of care would be missing. This implies that the patients do not get the services as they need, which increases the risk of harm. In addition, the healthcare providers may miss opportunities that will help better the patients, meaning that the taxpayer’s money is not put into use effectively (Grosios, Gaham & Burbidge, 2010). In 2010, UK government outlined its plan to reform the NHS in white paper Act 2010 “Equity and Excellence: Liberating NHS.” This legislation emphasized that the primary purpose of NHS is to enhance the outcomes of healthcare services for all people. According to Grosios et al. (2010), this entailed delivering safer and more effective care that provide better patients experiences. In 2012, the government set out the ‘Mandate to NHS England’ which entailed mainly ensuring that …show more content…

This system gives the mandate to the NHS clinical commissioning groups to monitor the wellbeing board’s health and social services provided. The main aim is to improve the services delivered. The white paper Act 2010- Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS has enabled the government to set the standards needed to develop an electronic database that would be used to assess peoples care and their treatment needs. More legal framework are outlined in the Care Act that was published in 2014 (Gov. UK.,

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