Tv Show: Courage The Cowardly Dog

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Courage the Cowardly Dog In the Tv show Courage the Cowardly Dog, there is a dog that goes on this very weird adventures away from him home. He lives with two older people, Muriel and Eustace which are his owners. Eustace is very mean to Coward while Muriel is very loving and kind to him. The Tv show is based in “Nowhere, Kansas”. He was abandoned by his parents because they were sent into outer space. Coward would do anything for his owners, despite his named is a smart coward. If I were to make a new episode of this show I probably would not try and update the images in the show. I would keep everything basic and simple like it is originally. It will make all the kids who watched when they were younger feel young again. But going away from the original show I would update the adventures Coward would go through to protect his owners. Make them more exciting and make them in more up to date places around the world. …show more content…

This computer can contact the police, Cowards owners, and other emergency buildings. But, most of the time the computer does not seem to do the right thing. He may say he sends the police but he actually never did. I would “update” the computer and make it where it was more future like. Coward will need to have updated technology to go along with his new adventures. Now of course it’s a Tv show so why would there not be an enemy. In one of the episodes of Courage, there is an enemy called Katz. He owns Night at Katz motel. The only reason that the family of three had to go stay there was because the electricity went out for the night.While Katz victims sleep they get rolled up by spider webs and put in a room full of spiders till they wake up then, BAM. Katz is a scam artist and Courage’s worst enemy. The newer episode for this Tv show I would keep the enemy's the same. They were really well with Courage as his struggles throughout the Tv

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