A Dark Brown Dog by Stephen Crane

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Love and trust come to mind when thinking upon our relationships with one another. There are many types of these bonds whether it be between mother and child or owner and pet. The story of “A Dark Brown Dog”, is one take on how some relationships can leave us with a dark place in our heart.
The story begins with a child standing on a street corner in the summer. When a dark brown dog, with a rope tied around his neck approaches him. The author gives no great detail to the setting of this story. Which leads the reader to believe that one must use their own view from the text and go from there. In this case, it seemed to be in the 1920’s, simply because he speaks on the cobble stone avenue and the trucks passing by. Also the way the story is told, seems to be that era.
After the child encounters the dog they being to play with one another. The passage notes; “the dog became more enthusiastic with each moment of the interview, until with his gleeful caperings he threatened to overturn the child. Whereupon the child lifted his hand and struck the dog a blow upon the head.” (Crane) With this we see the first act against the dog. The dog does not turn violent or try to run away. Instead he summits and begs for forgiveness. He rolls onto his back and gives the child a look of prayer. The relationship roles here become clear the child can play god with this dog. Knowing how the dog reacts to this is showing how the dog’s character is to please his master. They play for a while longer, until the child loose interest in the dog’s antics. He began to head home, when he notices the dog is following him. He decides to get a stick and hit him with it. The dog still summits to this act and continues to tag along. When they finally reach ...

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...is, drunk or not. The child cries and starts down the stairs to recover his pooch. The dog is dead.
Ones take of this story can be many of sorts. The dog essential may have saved this young child, his father may have chosen to throw him out the window. If the dog wasn’t there to take his place, who is to say what could had happened? It also shows how the dogs undeniable, love, devotion and eagerness to please his master. Eventually these traits, sadly left him resting lifeless in his young master’s arms. The relationships between these characters, is one of who’s pulling the strings. The abuse has been passed down from father to son. This story leaves an emptiness, with the unsettling turn of events.

Works Cited

Works Cited
Crane, Stephen. “A Dark Brown Dog.” American Literature. Aug. 2013. Web. 23 Nov. 2013

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