The Importance Of Human Intelligence In Fifteen Dogs By Andre Alexis

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Life gives us the opportunity to act and behave in ways that would make us either live a happy or dreadful life. Human intelligence is the basis of our society and can either make us unhappy or happy. In the novel, Fifteen Dogs by Andre Alexis, the two human Gods, Apollo and Hermes make a bet on if an animal had human intelligence, would they have a happy life? As they were bickering upon this bet, they passed a veterinary clinic. They then enter the clinic to realize majority of the animals were dogs, therefore, that was the animal that was chosen for their bet. Throughout the novel, fifteen dogs have the challenge of having human abilities. The two dogs, Majnoun and Prince, both live a life with human intelligence but very differently. The
As Prince lives his human intelligence life, he truly only loves one owner. Prince, who loves nature and freedom, liked to float around homes because he wanted to do his own personal things. The only owner Prince truly loved was Kim. When Prince learned the English language, he loved poetry. As Prince endeavoured the world, his poetry stuck beside him. Through abandoned places, trails, other animals, his insights spoke to him. Poetry truly made him happy because he was so talented in the field. Hermes, the God, was right about Prince living a happy life. Prince found something he was truly passionate about. Although Prince jumped from home to home, he did not mind because he was exploring and being adventurous was his favourite thing to do. He died after eight years to happy and fulfilled life. Because of his human intelligence, he was able to enjoy all wonderful things in life. He became in touch with poetry, his passion, and got to travel into the fields independently. Human intelligence changed his life and his well-being for the better. The fifteen dogs were all given human intelligence. The first three were not righteous enough to leave the clinic because of the human intelligence. The other eleven lived either a miserable life or an unhappy death. That leaves one left, Prince. Human intelligence should not be given to dogs or any animal. This is because the hardships of life are far to hard for animals
Somethings such as, if the pet was hurt, hungry or needed something and they could express to the owner for that specific need could be very beneficial. Although, as humans are very sensitive and have a lot of harsh outcomes in life, it can also be very painful for animals to go through deaths, bad moments, and even everyday life. Hermes and Apollo are Gods who believe such different areas. The percentage of dogs that lived a happy life to the ones who did not are very significant. Dogs, or any animal, should not have human intelligence. The world is far to problematic and challenging for an animal to suffice. Apollo is the correct God in this

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