Turning Point Of The Armenian Genocide

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The word genocide brings up images of the second world war and the Holocaust. While the actions taken against the Jews and minority groups deserve remembrance, this is not the first genocide the world has experienced. During the first world war, Armenians found themselves in a similar position of the future Jews in Nazi Germany. What is left of the Ottoman Empire begins to align with a Turkish nationalism that leads to creating a country for Turks. This brings out the changes that ultimately lead to the Armenian genocide. While this topic has been an area of conflict, the Armenian genocide is a major turning point for the Turkish people. While the name suggests only Armenians were affected, groups like the Assyrians and Greeks were also targeted for their Christian beliefs. According to Fisher and Ochsenwald, “600,000 or more Armenians (about 40 percent of the Ottoman-Armenian population) perished,” 1 during the 1915 deportations and massacres of the Armenians. This is not the first time the Armenians found …show more content…

With the knowledge of a previous attack against Christian groups, it is surprising the lack of aid that comes from the world. In an article published in 1920 that states “Armenia is a victim both of the war and the peace, persecuted by her enemies and now almost deserted by her friends.” 9 While the Armenians had the sympathy of the world, “the fear of opening the vexing Eastern question... has held back the administration of justice.” 10 Armenia looked to Germany, Russia, Britain, and America but did not find relief. To the Armenians, “no government or nation has ever attempted to stop,” 11 the attacks against them. During these attacks, it is estimated that the Armenian genocide had “one million or 1.5 million victims,” 12 This number is strictly the deaths of Armenians and does not include groups like the Assyrians and Greeks that were also killed during the

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