Transphobia In Twin Peaks

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I’ve been rewatching the early 90s show Twin Peaks recently, and I just saw the episode where the character of Denise is introduced. Denise, formerly known as Dennis, is a transgender FBI agent. The show walks a line between accepting who Denise is and finding humor in her character. Dale Cooper, the show’s protagonist, quickly embraces Denise and treats her respectfully, while supporting character Hawk makes a joke about Denise’s outfit being a good color for “him.” Twin Peaks is a microcosm of both the transphobia in society as well as the positives of accepting gender expression. Some of the negative and confused reactions that Denise experiences in Twin Peaks are examples of transphobia. Julia Serano discusses transphobia in her article “TransWoman Manifesto” where she writes that there is, “an extraordinary amount of pressure on individuals to conform to all of the expectations, restrictions, assumptions and privilege associated with the sex they were assigned at birth” (2013: 444). While all the cops in the town of Twin Peaks are male, Denise enters the picture and disrupts this societal norm. Serano says that a person’s own insecurity is the cause of their …show more content…

Author Dean Spade’s article “Mutilating Gender” breaks down the often put on requirement of transgender people to “inhabit and ‘perform’ successfully the new gender category” (2013: 441). Denise’s law enforcement ability is not brought into question, her sexuality is not discussed, and other sexist stereotypes of women are not put on Denise. While some of the characters on the show have questions about Denise’s gender identity and find it strange since they have not met someone like Denise before, they do question whether Denise is a woman after meeting her. Denise’s ability to ‘perform’ as a woman is clear that she can and she

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