Gender Stereotypes In Mattel's Barbie Doll

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In the beginning, there was man; at the same time (or shortly after, depending on who you ask) there was also woman. After those first men and those first women, there were more men and more women; evolving, shaping cultures, shaping practices, changing norms of work and of family size and of clothing. After hundreds upon hundreds of years, finally, gender began to change, too; the rigid lines between male and female behaviors started to blur, very slightly. As gender roles shifted, as the world got more progressive, as views of human sexuality evolved, people who understood gender not as a biological phenomenon but a cultural one felt safer to speak up; while being transgender was, and is, still not widely accepted and understood, it is significantly …show more content…

Barbie is tall, thin, has large hips and a large chest; she is beautiful, blonde, and she loves to shop; overall, Barbie is the feminine ideal. As researchers Jacqueline Urla and Alan Swedlund acknowledge, “little girls learn, among other things, about the crucial importance of their appearance to their personal happiness and to their ability to gain in favor with their friends” (1995:281). Gender roles are both centered around behavior as well as around bodies; this poses huge problems for transgender people, as well as explanations for transphobia; society has, for so long, accepted gender and sex to be synonymous. Because of this, a person whose gender is female and whose body is (rhetorically) male is a frightening and concerning deviant to most people’s understanding of the way in which gender exists. Everything that has to do with ideals for bodies leads to problems for transgender people; whether it is, as Urla and Swedlund also commented, that “...woman’s body was understood through the lens of her reproductive functions” (1995:287), or the general idea of “norms” for body proportions. When considering women’s bodies’ main purpose to be that of reproduction, it is apparent why the concept of transgender people may be concerning; transgender women -- that is, people, assigned male at birth but who live as women -- are women whose bodies cannot reproduce in the way that women are expected to; transgender men -- people assigned female at birth but who live as men -- may still have bodies which are viewed as useful mainly for their reproductive capabilities, but which they do not intend to acknowledge or use as such. When things stray so drastically from a norm which has long been accepted with minimal thought, onlookers panic that other norms will start to change as well. Straying from this norm also

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