Trampolines Should Not Be Banned Research Paper

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Should Trampolines Be Banned? People have many different opinions about trampolines. Some people say they should be banned. Others say they are too much fun and they shouldn’t be banned. Trampolines should not be banned because they provide kids with exercise, you can set rules to keep yourself and others safe, and all sports have some risks involved. First of all, trampolines give a lot of exercise to kids and teens. One in three american kids and teens are obese and getting rid of trampolines is taking away a form exercise. Your heart is always pumping as you jump up and down filled with joy. You should have some form of exercise in your life. Jumping gives you just as much exercise as an aerobic sport such as dance, running, or even playing soccer. Trampolines also help stimulate your metabolism. When …show more content…

It is not up to anyone, but yourself to follow and enforce these rules. After all by following rules, you are ensuring your safety. This is why I strongly believe that as long as you are responsible and have your own rules, you will be safe. If you are rough on a trampoline and have too many people on it at once, there is a bigger chance of injury. It is smart to get a net for protection. It is up to you how you use your trampoline, so be careful. It is important to remember that all sports have risks too. For example, field hockey. People get hurt all the time by getting hit with a stick or a ball. Does that mean we are going to ban field hockey? No! Also in cheerleading, people fall in stunts all the time, but that doesn't mean we can just ban cheerleading. Why should trampolines be banned if other sports have just as many risks? Every single sport has a way you can get hurt and we have to be careful about it. You can’t just ban the soccer because one person was running down the field and sprained their

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