Checking Should Not Be Banned in Hockey

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Hockey is the game played with the curved stick and it is found in every culture. It has been a part of the Canadian and North American culture for over a hundred years. Hockey has developed from the original six to thirty teams, and many leagues. One thing that is prominent in hockey is the hit on the opposing player when he has the puck. Checking can be defined as using physical force to either gain possession of the puck or to disrupt the opposition’s play without breaking the rules. Checking has been a part of hockey since the beginning. Recently, there has been much controversy over whether or not checking in hockey should be banned. In the year 2005 and 2006 there were many rules and regulations added to checking that were not penalized before. Checking has made the hockey game more interesting game and also has given the opportunity to players to play more with minimal stoppage. I believe that checking should not be banned because medical science has gotten the ability to heal all injuries that occur in sports, players know in advance that there is high risk in the activity, and it allows a fan to sublimate his aggressive tendency.

In modern time medical science has gotten the ability to heal all injuries that occur in sports. It has given us variety of medicines and health care practices by which we can prevent the injury that could happen to the player in any sport. Medical science has advanced so much now that it can recover almost anything; therefore hockey injuries are not a big deal. 58% of injuries are from the lower body and upper body, and 42% are head, and also almost 82% of the times it is a minor injury. Study has now advanced and can help a player heal from an injury quickly, easily, and in less time.

“In te...

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...o they can withstand everything that happens on the ice, but now hockey has evolved and has better protection for every player which decreases the risk of injuries. Medical science has also evolved; has gotten better with treating injuries that happen in sports. Checking helps many, angry participants or fan to sublimate ones aggressive tendency, through the checks that occur in mostly ever game. Therefore checking should not be banned from hockey.

Works Cited

"10 Medical Breakthroughs Expected in the Next 10 Years." n. pag. Web. 31 Jul 201

“Molson asks owners to stop violence” Chara, Zdeno. The Canadian PressIntervew. Sportsnet, 10/03/2011. Print. 31 Jul 2011. .

R, Elvik, and Kim k. "Accident Analysis & Prevention." Body-contact sports: Catharsis or reinforcement?. 6.1 (1974): 85-91. Print

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