Titanic Essay

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Titanic Essay

Many people across the world watch films. It is so popular because it

puts a story on the screen and into life so that people can see it.

People watch films for the entertainment value, or are simply too lazy

to read and enjoy the magic of a book.

The advantages of watching a film at the cinema rather than on video

is the bigger screen, and the surround sound, also the atmosphere.

This all adds up and creates a bigger impact than a video.

People make films to tell a story or get a message across, such as

"Pearl Harbour," which tells us the story of a real historical event

through the eyes of a fictional love story, very much like "Titanic."

Or "Shrek," which puts a message across through the tale.

Some films are just made purely for entertainment value, or to make

money, such as the Harry Potter films, that were built up from a very

popular book franchise.

In film they use different camera shots for different reasons, such


Ø Close Up - with this shot, you can see the emotion on the face of

the character; they use it to show the emotion more clearly.

Ø Long Shot - The use this type of camera angle to show a large shot

of the set or in the case of "Titanic" the boat.

Ø Point of view shot - These are used to show you what the character

can see, a good example of this in "Titanic" is when Rose is stood on

the end of the boat looking out to sea,

Ø Medium Shot - These show the characters body and face, and are used

a lot.

Ø Zoom in/out - These can be used to show a long shot of the set and

then zoom in to show the emotion on the characters face instead of

switching from Long shot to Clo...

... middle of paper ...

...ontinue even though he is dead, which is shown when she returns

to him at the end. He is still waiting for her, and he still loves

her. Even though their physical love has ended, their mental love will

go o forever.

I think that the film "Titanic" was made to retell the tragic events

that happened, to make our generation live it all over again, get

involved in it, be sad about it. By telling us the story, we can tell

what it would have been like for someone who went through that, and we

can emphasise with them more, and if a film can make someone do that,

I think that it make them a better person for it.

I think that the events that happened on April 14th 1912 are some of

the most horrific and saddest I have ever heard of, and I think that

this is a great film and it will truly be loved for generations to


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