Nosferatu directed by F.W. Murnau

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Horror films of today employ several film techniques to invoke responses from the

viewer. However, early silent films relied more on these techniques because without a

script, the viewer needs another way to interpret the film. The 1922 silent film Nosferatu

directed by F.W. Murnau is one of the first of it’s kind to apply what most would

consider to be more modern film techniques. Montage plays a key role in this film, as

does unusual camera angles, over acting, early special effects, and framing.

Loosely based on the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker, the film is the story of a

realtor named Jonathon who travels to Dracula’s castle in order to close a house deal. He

goes there despite many warnings and soon discovers that Dracula is actually a vampire.

Meanwhile, his girlfriend Nina is plagued with nightmares about Dracula and often goes

into strange trances. Jonathon escapes from the castle but is not free of Draculas power,

for Dracula purchases a house across the street from Jonathon.

I seemed to notice a pattern with the shot construction. When a character first

comes onto the screen, they are shown in a long shot, followed by a medium or close

shot. It’s as if the viewer is being introduced to the character gradually. For example,

when Jonathon first arrives at Dracula’s castle, our first shot of Dracula is a long shot,

followed by close. The film is mostly shot with a closed frame, but there ar...

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