Three Changes In High School

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Many games I played growing up taught me important life values. For instance, “The Game of Life” would tell me how life can be random and unexpected. “Sorry” would show me that valuing self interest is not a crime, and “Monopoly” would teach me about patience. However, the most important game I ever played was not until I was a freshman in High school. The game was called “Three Changes” and the rules were simple. Find a partner, turn away from each other, and change three aspects about one player’s appearance. The goal of the game is to notice the changes that were made to player one. I did not know it at the time, but this game would become the perfect way to describe my Freshmen year of High School. Walking down the halls on the first …show more content…

I was nervous about not knowing many other students, but theatre was one of my favorite classes, and I could not watch the program struggle knowing that I could do something to help. On the first day, the director wanted to start with a game. “The game is called Three Changes, and it requires a partner.” I quickly became extremely nervous. My eyes frantically darted across the room for a chance to leave, however there was none, and I was trapped. Two by two, the other students quickly found partners to play the game with, and this only increased my nervousness. All of a sudden, there was a tap on my shoulder. It was a girl in my grade named Mati. I had seen her in some of my classes, but we were just acquaintances. “Hi, do you have a partner?” she asked. Obviously we were both left without partners, so pairing up was inevitable. Our director explained the rules of the game, and I had automatically deemed this the worst game ever. A person I had never said more than a couple words to would be intensely looking at every little detail about me, every flaw, and definitely every difference we had. “Face away from each other, and alter three aspects of your physical appearance.” We both faced away from each other and my mind went blank.

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