Compare And Contrast Jefferson And Adams

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Jefferson and Adams Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were both strong presidents who kept a stabile nation, but they differed in their methods of doing so. Adams was a federalist so he helped establish a stable government by focusing on forming a strong central government. Jefferson being a democrat-republican worked to establish stability in the US government by promoting state’s rights. They both worked for stability in different but successful ways. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson brought many different viewpoints and strengths after the establishment of the Constitution but they both put the nation’s stability first and wanted to preserve the wellbeing of the people first by Adams ending the Quazi war and Jefferson making the Louisiana Purchase. …show more content…

Adams was a Federalist which meant he was upper class and wanted a strong central government and this showed when he led his country. He had to keep the nation stable amidst the French’s dislike for him that lead to the X, Y, Z Affair. The X, Y, Z Affair with France led to a three year long Quazi War that Adams had to keep the government stabile during. This led to him passing the Alien and Sedition Acts which were highly controversial and went against the first amendment. This was the first act of Adam’s presidency that went against the stability of the US government. Adams recognized that the security of the nation was at risk and he made peace with the French to end the Quazi War. He knew this was going to ruin his chances of a second term but he put the soundness of the nation over his own. John Adams focus on the stability of his nation made him unpopular at times but he knew what was best for nation and did

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