Comparing Leadership Styles: Adams vs Jefferson

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The Differing Leadership Styles of Adams and Jefferson: A Modern Comparison Throughout the history of this nation, we have rightfully honored the Founding Fathers for their key role in the building of our country. The revolutionary steps they took to craft a new nation representative of freedom, opportunity, democracy, and equality under the law place them in the upper echelon of American historical figures, and over time they've reached mythical status— more demigods than real people. However, it is important to note that the idea of complete political unity or identical ideologies and styles among the Founding Fathers is a mistaken one. The realities of early American politics show that, despite having previously united over the common …show more content…

I personally believe that the honest, uninhibited style of Adams is refreshing and unlike the mold of the typical American President. His brilliant oratory skills and rejection of Political factions make his approach to leadership the one that I would prefer in the abstract. However, the reality of current American politics makes the Jeffersonian leadership style much more effective in reality. A consummate politician, Jefferson’s cooperative, polite public persona allows him to be everything to everybody and succeed at the same of politics, but his air of ambiguity and ruthless behind the scenes behavior force me to dismiss his style as my abstract personal preference. As Joseph J Ellis says, “The Adams style was to confront, shout, rant, and then to embrace. The Jefferson style was to evade, maintain pretenses, then convince himself all was well” (Ellis 170). Though the passage was meant in relation to how they maintained their friendship despite conflict, it can be read in a broader sense, and illustrates almost perfectly the overall differences in the leadership styles of these two very influential

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