The Truman Show: Nihilism

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“The Truman Show” was an interesting movie that had many important aspects that relate to the philosopher of Nietzsche. In this film, God is represented by Christof, which is played by Ed Harris (“The Truman Show”). Christof overshadows the townspeople of Seahaven, Florida, which is a make believe town located in an archeological dome in Hollywood (“The Truman Show”). Before describing God further in detail, he is watching over not only the dozens of actors apart of the Truman Show but also Truman himself. Truman Burbank, played by Jim Carrey is represented as the human being in this film (“The Truman Show”). Throughout the film, there were several notable points, where the truth about Truman being apart of a live broadcast shown worldwide were known; however, the ending chapter of the movie exemplifies who …show more content…

The statement that “God is Dead” does not refer to the meaning that God has died, but comes to the conclusion that there is a decline in religion, rise in atheism, and an absence of a higher moral authority present in society (“God Is Dead”). Hence, these three factors concur that “God Is Dead” relates to nihilism. According to Soccio, nihilism “refers to the belief that the universe lacks objective meaning and purpose” (470). When referring to “God is Dead” in the Truman Show, the world in which Truman lives in, mocks this theory. Even though there is a God figure in the film, Christof does not exemplify the true characteristics of what it is to be God. Some characteristics of God, include the following: wisdom, infinitude, sovereignty, holiness, trinity, omniscience, and faithfulness (“Attributes of God”). As Christof displays some of these characteristics, he uses them in the wrong way. Christof was not God because he does NOT give free will to Truman in the movie because he grants him limitations. One of the major limitations that he

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