The Theme Of Racism In Desiree's Baby

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Racism is defined as “the belief that all members of each race pass characteristics or abilities specific to that race.” (Merriam-Webster dictionary). Using the theme of racism throughout “Desiree’s Baby,” Chopin uses it most through the character Armand. This is evident through the harsh treatment of Armand’s slaves and how his feelings for Desiree change after he assumes the baby is of mixed ancestry. Leading to the question should a person be judged because of their race, social class, or gender? In Desiree’s Baby,” Kate Chopin illustrates gender bias and the theme of racism through Armand judging a person just on his or her race or gender, his thought that women or inferior to men, and his belief that Desiree is the one of African descent when the baby shows evidence of mixed ancestry.
Armand in the short story is confident that he is of white ancestry which makes him feel superior to the other races and his slaves, making Armand think he can judge a person just by their race or gender. Evidence of this is the treatment of Armand’s slaves. In the short story Armand treats his sl...

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