The Smartest Kids Of The World

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The Smartest Kids In The World
Getting into this reading, I realized how much our country lacks in the education system. I knew before reading this that we were ranked fairly low on the education system charts, but I did not realize how far behind mentally and physically so many of our students here are. There are many reasons why this country is better off and also worse off in many areas of education. We, in this country, are very privileged in the things that we have in our lives, and also in our school systems. We take for granted much of what we have just because we are used to having these things in our lives. This is a large reason that our country is so far behind others in the education systems. Our country has amazing new technology that is brought into schools all the time. We do not use these new advancements to our advantage and we are only hurting ourselves and the future generations by not using every possible way to get better in the classrooms and get prepared for the future.
In our country, we are not challenged enough in our school systems. Our schools often get us to graduation and do not go above and beyond standards. The blame falls equally on the students as well. The students are not trying to challenge themselves as they should be, or as other students are in different countries. The students in other countries are working very hard because they know that is how they will be able to have a better life for themselves. Here in this country, students are raised up being content with what they have and realizing that they will not be struggling too much if they just do the minimum and get by. An interesting article, on the topic of our education system that I found, was published by This article sta...

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...received is decent enough to get them by, then that is what they will take. If the people of this country change their mindsets, this country will eventually have a more successful education system. There are many things that I learned from this reading, and many things that I was reassured on. Our country’s education system struggles a lot compared to other countries. We have an abundance of resources to further our education, but they are not used to challenge and prepare students to the best future they can have. As much as our country does not like to point fingers and place the blame on people, I think that it is quite obvious that the school systems as a whole, including teachers, parents and students are to blame. This country lacks the drive that other countries have in schools and we will be set back from other countries until we begin to change this.

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