The Secret Annex, By Anne Frank

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This book report is about a young girl named Anne Frank. Anne Frank is a 13 year old lass, who writes down her personal experiences while living in the Secret Annex during the Holocaust. The “Secret Annex” is the name that Anne Frank gave the place when she started hiding from the discriminating commission taking place around the country, city, and neighborhood. The Secret Annex is a particular section of two joined buildings (the building is where Otto Frank use to work), located in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Anne Frank was not the only person hiding away in the Secret Annex, there were 7 other people (all Jewish) who used the Annex as their concealment. The characters in the hideout: Anne Frank (a 13 year old girl who writes down her personal …show more content…

The German-Nazis were spreading all over Europe, eventually the Franks planned on leaving, but not so soon. All of the plans changed when Margot got a letter telling her to report to the concentration camp. This sped up the whole process, On July 9th, 1942 (page 16), Anne Frank and her family started preparing to go into hiding; “…...they were sufficiently ready for us to have gone into hiding of our own accord on July 16th.” While they are hiding more and more Jews come to join them, first it was the van Pel; Augusta van Pel, Herman van Pel, and Peter van Pel. Then Fritz Pfeffer came along and joined the runaways. Throughout the whole two years, the Jews bonded, had odious arguments, and extremely sad moments together. Such as, Saturday, January 30th, 1943 (page 64), where Anne overheard the adults prattle about her behavior which left her crying; “I’m boiling with rage, and yet I mustn’t show it. I’d like to stamp my feet, scream, and give Mummy a good shaking, cry, and I don’t know what else, because of the horrible words, mocking and accusations which are leveled at me every day, find their make, like shafts from a tightly stringed bow, and which are just as hard to draw from my body.” By the second year of hiding, according to Anne Frank, she & Peter van Pel have “fallen in love” with each other. Days, weeks, and months go by, Anne, Peter, Fritz, Augusta, Margot, Herman, and Edith were found and taken to the concentration camp. And at the camps, all their lives were

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