The Reflection Of The Community Aspects Of Spirituality

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The aim of this class was to have the students ponder their spirituality and gain more insight on the glue that holds our society together, compassion. Since the axial age compassion has been a key component of all major religions. Therefore, compassion is a critical to fully understand religions. I thought that the most valuable lessons were centered around compassion, something that can be used to make the world a better place for ourselves and our children. It was clear that the students were able to further understand themselves and others after the course. Like previously stated, compassion was used in this class to further understand Catholicism, which is why Rolheiser’s text was supplemented side by side with Armstrong’s text. …show more content…

It seems that a large thread in the study of ecclesiology is the community aspect of religion. “Church is not about a few like-minded persons getting to gether for mutual support; it is about millions and millions of different kinds of persons transcending their differences” (Rolheiser, 115). After reading this chapter I understand how religion is important for the human race because it ties millions and millions of people together. If there was no church, there would be more a large increase in conflicts among ourselves, something the human race cannot …show more content…

I personally am not a religious person, but that does not mean that I am not a spiritual person. A large belief that I have carried is that religious or not, you must constantly question, challenge, and forge your own ideas. This is something that I think this class was able to help me with even more. It is highly important for me to constantly challenge, question, and forge my own beliefs. Something that I think every person religious, or not, should be doing. If someone asks you what you believe, it should be a carefully thought out answer that has been contemplated over the course of months and years, simply regurgitating scripture or blindly following your parent’s beliefs is a disservice to yourself and your community. I think that this class did a good job allowing people the opportunity to expand their minds and be able to discuss their spirituality in a controlled religiously diverse setting.
The hope I have for my own spirituality is simple. I want to hunt for deeper truth in the world regardless if it makes me happy or miserable. I want to constantly contemplate my place in the world, interconnectedness, spirituality, God, and a wide variety of other subjects. Most of all, I want to be able to have a sturdy enough argument for my thoughts and beliefs that they will stand up to every level of scrutiny. In addition, I would like to find more balance in my life

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