Jesus Camp: How Religious Community Reflection As A Social Glue?

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It is incredibly uncommon in this day and age for an individual to hold their own personal religion and line of beliefs. In most cases it wouldn 't even be categorized as a religion. Religion requires multiple persons. It is the breeding of individuals who see community as a defining factor in advancing their religious beliefs and immersing such beliefs into their lives. The aspect of community works differently amongst various religions, but one thing that seems to hold true across the board is that religion functions as a “social glue”. It can serve to hold individuals together, as well as an entire group of people. The counter-argument to this would certainly be that religion instead serves to rip communities apart. The latter to this is prominent in religious communities whose sole function is to impound intense religiosity into individuals in an atmosphere where the extensive nature and uniform of their beliefs are the highest priority. Jesus Camp, is a documentary that makes light of how religious communities function …show more content…

They are forcing people to come together under regimented beliefs and social structures, while teaching them to abandon their own identity and opinions. The sole focus of this community is to create generations upon generations who are replicas of one another. It is a community that functions amidst uniformity. Jesus Camp is a tell tale documentary that depicts such clear cut standards. It is showcasing the brunt of such rigid standards and how they translate into the lives of innocent children. They are being stripped away from their innocence and molded into a disciple of the religion. These children are being cognitively disabled of all righteousness and integrity they bestow. A community without boundaries, one that functions on the basis of prolonging the disparity of the evangelical

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