The Red Monologue

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Ever wondered what it's like to feel the sharp pain of getting stabbed? I'll tell you this, it isn't too great. For starters, it feels like you are being hit by a truck, but the truck is small, and very sharp. Know why I know this? Well, that's because I decided to play hero to protect the love of my life. Now that I look back at it, I'm glad I saved her. If not, I would not be alive today. I wouldn't be standing upon this platform looking into a sold out, speaking into a microphone about how in the world I created this little ball. So yeah, here I am talking to God knows how many people about how I am now considered a "genius". Well let us begin then, shall we? ~ Kuro says with the power ball in his hands, and a big smile pasted on his face as he looks into the crowd on the podium. \/1 Week Before\/ Kuro smiles as he watches Hikari walk to him. Hikari; smiling as she slowly walks towards Kuro in her bright white sun dress that had yellow sun flowers on it. Kuro blushes as he catches himself checking her out. As he sees her, Hikari tightly grabs his arm as if she was teasing him, ans drags him along to go see the festivals. Kuro and Hikari walk along the path; making their way towards the tent that is the show room for the main event. As they tag …show more content…

Kuro is overcome with fear, and finds his knees so weak that he collapses. On the ground Kuro starts getting a little jittery as he finally realizes that he almost died. Putting his hand to throat he feels the little scratch that was left by the knife. Then he feels a sharp pain on the right side of his stomach. Looking down he sees a big hole in his jacket and a bunch of blood spurting from his stomach. Then he starts feeling immense pain that made him cry out in pain. He immediately puts pressure on the giant knife wound. Getting up barely he starts walking slowly and falls over. Yelling out for help he screams as hopes for anyone to hear

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