The Quest For The Holy Grail Analysis

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The Quest for the Holy Grail is the most well-known of the Arthurian Legends. It describes King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and their journey to find the holy cup, from which Jesus drank and caught his spilled blood on the cross. This Grail supposedly had the ability to heal wounds, and provide means of life for those who drank from it. This quest is riddled with stories about the the legendary knights of the Round Table, and describes their exciting search across the country for the Holy Grail. The word grail is derived from the Latin word, gradalis, which means dish. However, the Holy Grail is sometimes interpreted as something spiritual, not an actual cup or plate, something that is achieved, a certain diviness elevating …show more content…

His origin is unknown, all that is known is he is Lancelot’s son and he his knighted by his father at a nunnery. Galahad is human, and therefore fragile and susceptible to sin, but he does his best and remains a pure soul, avoiding temptation to be worthy of the grail. A very important goal is set in front of him when he takes the Siege Perilous; to find the Holy Grail. He remains noble throughout his journey to find this relic. His path to the Grail is clouded by trials and foes along the way that he defeats or overcomes. Galahad’s father is an adulterer, leading him to a path of temptation and wrong but Galahad, being a pure soul, avoids these temptation such as women and drink among other sins. Galahad is always accompanied by fellow knights on his journeys and adventures, but these men cannot understand the Grail like Galahad. His fellow knights and the people Galahad meet along his journey aid and guide him in the right direction, leading to the discovery of the Grail. Although he may not go into a darkness and emerge differently, Galahad goes into the Grail Chapel and does emerge, he is lifted up to heaven with the Grail. Galahad seeks the Grail, but seeks above that to remain pure, and because he does, het is allowed to see and understand the Grail. And Sir Galahad, as expected, is a man. All these qualities show that Galahad is a typical hero in

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