The Golden Goblet Analysis

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In the book The Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis Mcgraw illustrates Ranofer, an egyptian boy who lives with his step brother Gebu and works at the goldsmith shop. He wants to be a goldsmith like his father was after his death but some mystery is going on there that gold has been going down and they don’t know who it is that keeps on stealing. Gebu doesn’t want Ranofer there anymore so he made him work at his workshop and Ranofer does forbid it until he found out he answer of the mystery. The most important event in The Golden Goblet is when Ranofer met the dwarf and the captain to warn about Gebu and Wennemon stealing Queen Tiy’s parents tomb and the goblet. The first evidence is that Gebu could have melted the goblet if Ranofer wouldn’t have

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