Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

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The poem of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight compares a super natural creature to nature. The mystery of the poem is ironic to the anonymous author. The story dates back into the fourteenth century, but no one knows who originally wrote the poem. This unknown author explains in the poem of Sir Gawain not knowing of the location of the Green Chapel and or who the Green Knight really is. This keeps the reader entertained with the suspicion of not knowing. The author then does not give his name or take credit for his own work. “And the city was smashed, burned to ashes…” King Arthur and his men had just fought an enormous fight and came out victorious. King Arthur and his men were the most looked up to. They were the best, most mighty men. He was known as the best King that had the greatest, biggest and strongest kingdom and knights of all. His kingdom was rich and highly favored. At the time of victory it was ironically around Christmas time. It was a tradition in this time that after winning a war you shall party over the victory so being at a time of festival and holiday season was perfect setting for this time and the celebration was bigger than ever. The author created this scene of all the heroic, bravest men all gathered together then sent the Green Knight to test just how brave and courageous they truly are. Sir Gawain is the nephew of the most famous King Arthur. Gawain being in line of the throne knew he must show his bravery and man up in front of his fellow knights. The Green Knight stormed into the king’s courts riding on a mystical horse. He taunted the men asking for the bravest knight in the kingdom to stand up and take his outrageous challenge. As the men sat quietly not knowing what to do, Sir Gawain decides t... ... middle of paper ... ...Instead of carrying traditional knightly weapons, the Green Knight carried a “holly branch” in one hand and a large axe in the other. Both of these weapons connect him to nature and the forest. The Green Knight’s challenge of Gawain makes him very aware of his strong survival instinct. And the place where Gawain must meet the Green Knight, the Green Chapel, is one of the most wild and natural places in the poem. From this information you can conclude that the color of the Green Knight represents nature in itself. People, places, and things in the poem that are green somehow have a huge connection to nature. This story has done a great job and giving you a better outlook on your own life. You will never get to where you want to be if you think you are better than what you truly are. Honesty and loyalty only works if you do ita hundered percent of the time. W

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