The Pros and Cons of Being an Entrepreneur

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Nothing is business stays the same, some days are good, some days are bad, and some unexpectedly profitable. The good days are all about challenge, your own time, the opportunity to create an ideal work environment, making your work fit your life, and no boss. The challenge could be anything from working with your client to being interviewed about your business for an article in the local newspaper. There's always something new and challenging. Talking about your own time, lets say you have a doctors appointment, and you're running a little late, its okey because you have the most understanding boss in the world - YOU! You can create your own work environment you always been looking for in past jobs. Lets say you work best listening to Britney Spears. Or, you prefer to start your days late and work until the wee hours. Go for it! Your company can be structured in ways that work best for you. And how can you make your work fit your life? You have been squeezing in dates, doctors appointments and birthday parties. Now you have an opportunity to create a career that fits you life. And the most exiting thing, no boss! Nothing is better then that! The bad days are all about employees adding stress, the responsibility for knowing about taxes, and the though, will I have enough money to cover all the expenses. It is very important to remember that bad should be temporary. Expect some bad days, weeks and even months. As Adrinne Arieff says, "The fragility of not knowing if the clients will be around month-to-month is tough." The more people you hire, the more work you get done. So true. But the more people you hire, the more weight is added to your shoulders. The success of your business is up to you, not the employees. You can't expect your business to run smoothly if you are on vacation all the time. Success comes from working side by side with your employees; sharing in their concerns and needs. The responsibility for knowing about taxes kind of freaks me out. Taxes? Oh no! You must now be familiar with city, state, and federal tax laws that never before concerned you. You think you can get away with it by having an accountant and bookkeeper, not so fast; you are ultimately responsible for knowing these laws. Concequently, much of your time will be spent thinking about money.

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