The Pros And Cons Of Product Listing

801 Words2 Pages

With the rapid growth of technological advancement, the internet gradually became a necessity in our society today. Almost 37.3% of the world’s population uses the internet and 70% use the internet every day. We use the internet for many purposes such as watching and streaming videos online, sending emails, doing research, Facebooking, Twittering, Googling, name it, the internet surely has it. And come to think of it, even activities we used to do in a personal and face-to-face situation can already be done in the internet; for instance, online shopping. Online market places such as eBay, Amazon, and Rakuten have made shopping more convenient. With just a click, we can have our desired purchases shipped directly at home. No sweat right? But do you ever wonder how easily we can find certain items that go exactly with what we are searching for? Product listing ads have made our searches easier. Through this platform we get to see descriptions of products to know which fits our preferences and give us plenty of options to choose from. We get to see if a product is brand new, its price, color options, and many other details. Now, almost anyone can promote their products online by product listing. But before you go posting images and making descriptions of your products, you must first know what attributes are to be considered in labeling them such as title, price, and condition in order to make your customers’ purchases easier. Some attributes are required for certain types of items, so it’s better to maximize your options to make listings that apply to all.

• ID – every item should have its own identifier that distinguishes it from others and to avoid it being re-used between feeds.
• Title – what’s an item without a name right? So...

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.... Whether be it made of cotton, nylon, satin, or for jewelries, gold, silver, or white gold.
• Pattern – the graphic print or pattern shown in your item
• Size – provide the specific size of your item.

Always remember that the more specific attribute the better. This would make your customers’ search easier and will lead them more to your product. Maximize the resources on how you could promote your products. You need not spend lots of money on costly advertisements. Using social media such as Facebook and Twitter are effective ways on how many businesses today promote their offers and products online. Providing links online that directly goes to your website or that specific product is also a good way to expose your products. With this, you will now be guided on how to make effective and proper product listings that will surely benefit you and your customers.

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