The Pros And Cons Of Peaceful Resistance

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Peaceful resistance is a key form of standing up to laws and government which oppose the views of those living within a free society. Without utilizing resistance showing distaste for policies becomes virtually impossible and yet by using violence chaos reigns. Many times throughout history violence has been used to show disfavor and where violence was used violence was returned. However where peaceful protests have occurred violence has also been shown, for example the march on Selma in 1965 violence was shown to those walking peacefully. The ability to protest is a fundamental right for members of free society, without it the government would become tyrannical. Peaceful resistance impacts free society both positively and negatively; however …show more content…

Even disobedience is a form of this input. The child knows that inaction will not lead to the outcome they want. While crying for a candy bar does not necessarily guarantee the receipt of the candy it does mean the adult is now aware of what the child wants. This can be paralleled to government, the people can march or vote for some change they want, and then the government has to decide what action to take. This benefits society because it allows for the democratic process to take place. Conversely it can be negative. Through the progression of society a vocal child can be silenced due to the environment in which it is raised, therefore they do not use their voice. This is not an isolated event and when this happens enough, those who speak the loudest make the decisions for the whole. This form of action does not benefit society as a whole but the few. Currently society has not come to this point and has been using its ability to speak out and using it actively. When the few do act violently in the name of the few it does not cause the desired effect. For example when UC Berkley had a speech on Free Speech chaos and rioting erupted. This served no purpose because the protest started out peacefully and turned violent all due to the speaker’s political views. When people let emotion get the better of them they cannot receive the outcome they want; instead they are

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