Compare And Contrast A Letter Home And Waiting For Dan

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A protester is defined as someone who publicly demonstrates strong objection towards something in particular. If a great amount of people show their resentment towards a certain thing, there could be protests about anything. In both of these passages, “Waiting for Dan” and “A Letter Home,” there was a substantial amount of protests that were happening. In the story “Waiting for Dan” a great deal of people were constantly protesting the Freedom Rides that were taking place in the time of the Civil Rights Movement. In “A Letter Home” there were many protests and acts of defiance going on amongst a small group of students at Kent State University because they were outraged about U.S. soldiers invading Cambodia. While reading both of these passages, …show more content…

For instance, in “A Letter Home,” there were many students who were infuriated with the U.S. soldiers who had invaded Cambodia. To show their feelings, the students held protests. “A day or two after that, some young people burned the ROTC building on campus and set some bonfires downtown. I heard that police cars were hit with bottles and store windows were broken” (2). These students wanted to show their hatred for what the U.S. soldiers were doing, and the protests that they conducted were very intense and could have potentially been violent. They were not going to sit around and keep their opinions to themselves, and they decided that they needed to do something to show how outraged they …show more content…

Firstly, in “A Letter Home,” there was only a small group of people who caused all of the outbreaks while in “Waiting for Dan,” it is indirectly suggesting that there was a numerous amount of people who protested the Freedom Rides. In “A Letter Home,” it specifically states that there was only a small group of people who were protesting. “Only a small group of people caused these outbreaks of violence” (3). It was not like the whole school was constantly defying the police and National Guards. It was only a small amount of students and other young people who were causing all of this trouble. In the story, “Waiting for Dan,” although it does not directly state how many people were protesting, the story is still suggesting that there was a substantially larger amount of people who participated in these protests. “...two separate explosions of violence. An angry crowd mobbed one bus...the other bus was firebombed” (6). If there was only a small number of people who were protesting the Freedom Rides, it would not be possible for there to have been this much of a crisis. This quote from the story tells me that there had to be a very large group of people who were involved in this protest. This is one difference between the protesters in “A Letter Home” and “Waiting for

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