The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

571 Words2 Pages

First Draft
Is animal testing so bad, if it saves millions of human lives and even other animals? Who would you rather be put at risk: Your relative or a common rat? In my opinion, animal testing is necessary because without it, human lives would be at risk.
The main reason for animal testing is to cure humans from diseases. This is beneficial to us because we get cured and the experiments are not done to us! Rats and mice are used 95% of the time for animal testing. This is because they reproduce quickly and they can get similar diseases to humans, allowing scientists to accurately find out ways to cure them and eventually, us. If you care deeply for the way rats are treated, why put up mouse traps and poison? Using them to test on will only save human lives.
Like I said before, many of the animals tested on are rats. They could also be birds or mice. If scientists didn’t use them, what else would we do? Use humans to practice dangerous medical surgeries? Scientists make sure that they are completely safe for humans before selling the medicines. If your relative gets saved because o...

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