Is Animal Testing Necessary Essay

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Is Animal Testing Really Necessary? Imagine a pet, or even a younger sibling, was being tested on, abused, and taunted. Many pets are considered apart of the family. What is enough? Who is going to put a stop to this? What extent should someone go to to protect their family, or even stop it all? While people think it is "okay" to kill animals if it betters the life of humans, it is not okay to abuse or kill animals for experimentations, because animals are living creatures, deserve rights, and the testing rarely benefits since animals do not have the same diseases as humans. There is no need to risk the lives of innocent animals, since there are advanced scientists who have created reliable, non-animal, methods to test the exact same things. …show more content…

That makes the tests unnecessary and cruel. Some would argue that animal testing is torture. Some would say that animal testing is completely necessary. There is no reason for animal testing to happen. There are several statistics that point to the negative side of animal testing. There are more pointing to the negative than to the positive. What is the point on testing on animals when we have statistics like how only 1.16% of the diseases are found in animals, or that 92% of the things that do pass through animal testing do not even work on humans? Europe, Israel, and India have already banned animal testing for cosmetics, because it was too harmful on the animals. In a 2008 study in the journal Alternatives to Laboratory Animals shows that over 80 HIV/AIDS vaccines that worked in nonhuman primates were unsuccessful in human trials. In a 2004 study in the journal Stroke, over 4,000 studies report the intended result of more than 700 treatments of stroke in animal models. Although, none of the approximately 150 of these treatments tested in humans showed clinical benefit. This was recorded in a 2005 paper in the International Journal of Neuroprotection and

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